Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just Barely Staying Between Phoenix and Jeremy!

Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill
Lovely story about a woman who is taken from Africa as a 12 yo, sold into slavery in S. Carolina. Throughout the book she travels to Canada, Sierra Leone, and England. Ends with her as an elderly woman living in England. Good story. 487 pages

Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Things by John Holt
from the back cover: "Holt lays out the foundation for un-schooling as the vital path to self-directed learning and a creative life. . . . packed with examples of how to create learning opportunities outside the established educational structure, as well as fascinating stories of people who choose to self-educate, non-compulsory schools . . . Holt's most direct and radical challenge to the educational status quo and a dramatic appeal to parents to save their children from schools of all kind." This book was first published in 1976 (the year I was born) and I wonder if that is part of the reason I don't find it the most interesting book I've read on this subject... Still good, though. I also read it in two halves, with several weeks separating the reading, that probably didn't help....222 pages

Alexander and the Wonderful, Marvelous, Excellent, Terrific Ninety Days: An Almost Completely Honest Account of What Happened to Our Family When Our Youngest ... Came to Live with Us for Three Months
Meh. This was okay. I don't really recommend it. 113 pages

~buffy in denver


Anonymous said...

The John Holt book is on my reading list :-) We should set up a book swap! I'm reading as many books about unschooling as I can get my hands on right now. They're harder to come by here than I thought they would be, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This is NYC-- "unschooling? huh?" is a pretty typical response. More's the pity.


Anonymous said...

Funny that they are hard to come by -- as in, the libraries don't have them? What about The Strand? :)

Should we be anticipating your end of the month post? :)