Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I Am Far Behind Dawgs!

Well sorry it has taken so long to post but this is Aaron. If this does not work I am sorry as I don't know how to work this confounded thing as my life philosophy is anti-myspace, anti-facebook, and anti-blog. As for those of you who have read gratuitous amounts I must encourage you to keep reading, as reading is good, but for everyone's sake stop reading. Thanks. Lets get on to business.

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson- A laid back read that overall I enjoyed 256 pages Baby!!!

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah- Depressing but good 226 pages

Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories by Dr. Seuss- Best book on turtle stacking ever 72 pages

Open Your Eyes and Soar by Cuban Women- Great stories written by Cuban women 102 pages

Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut- Amazing, go read it now 135 pages

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver- 2nd read and still awesome 400 pages

Gig by Jon Bowe- Americans essays about their jobs from garbage collector to doctors 49 pages

The Prince by Machiavelli- Ahhh Machiavelli 71 pages

A Collection of Primary Documents by Spikard- Collection of great historical writings 133 pages

1491 By Charles Mann- Good Book on Native American's impact on the enviroment 40 pages

Total that is 1444 as of now. I may have forgotten stuff and if I did I will add them later. Also if any of my professors happen to glance at this page I have read Woodrow Wilson by Thomson, The Cuban Missile Crisis by Munton and Welch and A Concise History of Modern India by Metcalf and Metcalf along with various other writings and primary documents.

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