Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Gerald Ford, Stephanie Plum, and Gemma Doyle

Write It When I'm Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations with Gerald R. Ford by Thomas M. Defrank
The author was a Newsweek correspondent for many years and interviewed Ford many times with the understanding that nothing would be published until after his (Ford's) death. Interesting stuff about Watergate, his relationship with many other former presidents, etc.
250 pages.

Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich
pure fluff and very short. I feel better about posting it when it's proceeded by something slightly weightier. ;)
166 pages.

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
New young adult fiction, the first in a series (a trilogy?) I liked it, but not sure if I'll read the rest or not.... 1895, English girl living in India, returns to England after her mother is killed, goes to boarding school, has supernatural visions....
403 pages.

Buffy in Denver

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