Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Visual Reading Explosion

So my next two books are actually books that are like a combination of reading and something else:

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, ed. by Steven Jay Schneider. The entire "1001...You Must...Die" series is really quite good, despite their somewhat ominous titles. I've always thought short, to-the-point journalistic writing was some of the best writing out there. This series of descriptions of the must-see films of all times fits that particular bill. You don't even have to watch any of the movies afterward - the plot descriptions and intelligent comments make the book a beautiful (though hefty) joy to read. 960 pages.

The Gunslinger Born, the Marvel adaptation of Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. To put it briefly, don't bother - read the books instead. 240 pages.

Can you tell it's spring break? I'm gonna watch Constantine soon. Darn you, Keanu Reeves, for making movies I want to watch and having the gall to act in them as well.

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