Friday, March 7, 2008

Life - It's Messy

Jeremy posting so that Buffy's title doesn't become a post in itself.

Books For School

It's getting toward the end of the quarter and I'm doing projects rather than reading, so only one book: McKeachie's Teaching Tips, a helpful guide for college teachers about designing syllabi, lecturing and technology in the classroom, etc. Not really something to curl up with on a winter's night, but very helpful. 407 pgs.

Books For Fun (?)

Darcey Steinke, Jesus Saves. A dark exploration of a 13-year-old pastor's daughter dealing with her spiritual and sexual longings (and how those get confused), paralleled by the account of a kidnapped schoolmate. Disturbing and harrowingly written. 224 pgs.

Tom Perrotta, The Abstinence Teacher. An interesting parallel to the Steinke novel, this one shifts back and forth between a high school health teacher who upsets the local community when she refuses to teach the school's newly adopted abstinence curriculum, and a former addict who has newly joined the evangelical church and is now coaching the soccer team on which the health teacher's daughter plays. Their relationship unfolds in complicated and unpredictable ways. Perrotta does an excellent job of being sympathetic to the motivations of both the teacher and the soccer coach - no straw men here, refreshingly. 368 pgs.

Finally, I read through The Unprocessed Child and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - see Buffy's reviews below. 595 pgs.

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