Friday, January 25, 2008

Let's see....

Well, I'll need to go back and see what I've read so far this year, which will take a bit (Jeremy has made vague promises to find the page numbers for me...) But for now I'll start with what I just finished.

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
This is the the third in her Outlander series. Have others here read these? In the first book, Claire, an English woman in 1945, travels to 1747 Scotland. And the crazy hijinks continue. :) I really like the story line, but there is some violence that makes me a bit uncomfortable...
1059 pages.

I'll try to get back here soon to catch myself up entirely! (come on, Jeremy, you know you want to get to work my other 13 books!)

Oh, I forgot I also read A Year of Living Biblically, so that's another 341 pages.

Buffy in Denver

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