Monday, January 28, 2008

i'm so far behind, i think i might be ahead

Oh man. What was I thinking, starting this reading challenge? I have read ONE book this year, and it was 218 pages long. Alas. It was so good though! It was so good that I could only read about 10 pages at a time, and then I'd have to stop and stare out the window and think in a melancholy fashion about life and loss and everything.

So, I'm about to head off to the library to get 44 Scotland Street,so that I can pretend to begin to catch up to the infamous Garbers, who between the two of them have read OVER TEN THOUSAND PAGES in just this year. And that's to say nothing of Fiona, who herself has probably already read more than me! And she is 4-years-old!

1 comment:

nick said...

hey punk! what was the book?