Friday, February 15, 2008

More Alexander McCall Smith and (Not) Using Reading as Escapism

Espresso Tales by Alexander McCall Smith
More in the 44 Scotland Street series. 345 pages

Then, in the midst of great emotional upheaval in my life, I chose to read two not so light-hearted books --

Strange as This Weather Has Been by Ann Pancake
Fiction about a West Virginia coal-mining community. The viewpoint alters from chapter to chapter, with the story being told by various members of one family in the community. Author grew up in West Virginia. Pretty bleak (for good reason). 360 pages

The Missing Class: Portraits of the Near Poor in America by Katherine S. Newman and Victor Tan Chen
Non-fiction. The authors follow 9 families in their day to day lives. Good. 229 pages.

I also read the March 2007 Atlantic magazine. I'm not ambitious enough to count ads -- do you think subtracting 50 pages is good enough (especially if I carefully perused and mocked the ads?) I'll say 82 pages.

~Buffy in Denver who will eventually read something lighter.

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