Friday, February 15, 2008

Reading challenge update from mel

Wow! You guys kick my reading ass. This is great. My only complaint about this challenge thus far is that there is no way I will be able to read all the interesting books you guys are reviewing! They all look tempting (except maybe that one about falling trees? Sorry Rob Jach, I'm sure it was good, just not my territory) and it is so great to read your reviews.

I found my 'Between Interruptions' book that I mentioned last time.
It's a compilation by 30 women, edited by Cori Howard.
AWESOME! I wish this book were three times as long. It's a collection of essay-type writings on 30 womens' experience of motherhood. I think I loved this book so much simply because it was honest in talking about the daily lives of many types of moms. Some are journalists, some editors, some novelists; all are good writers (imperative when writing for publication, I say!), and discusses some of the pertinent and unique issues for women of our generation with children.
314 pages.

'The Tent'
by Margaret Atwood
A 'melange' of fictional pieces by The Margaret
Good. I find her novels more satisfying than this particular compilation because her stories and characters are fascinating enough to want to journey with for a long time.
155 pages.

'Full Frontal Feminism: A Young Woman's Guide to Why Feminism Matters'
by Jessical Valenti, founder of
Um...I'm VERY glad to have run across this book and blog author. I think she has a lot of very important things to say. The downside? She swears aLOT when she could really be more articulate, and it seems that if one is of a religious bent, one is not truly a feminist? Or intelligent? Or complex? Toss that garbage out, and you have yourself an extremely important feminist resource (not just for your hardcore, no-armpit-shaving, bra burning fact, not really for that 'type' at all, if it even exists) and social commentary. Read it, or at least check out her website, and see what you think. Men, too, though I don't harbour much hope of that actually happening. Perhaps I should check my cynicism at the door ;-)
247 pages

Grand total: 716, which, added to my previous total of 1712, is 2428 pages.
I thought magazines didn't count? Grrr, I will have to start adding those to the fray. Do kids' books count? I read a lot of Dr Seuss. :-D

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