Sunday, September 7, 2008

So I haven't posted in a while, but I promise I've been reading :)

I really wanted to share this book with you all out there. I checked it out of the library Saturday afternoon and as of Sunday night am 4/5ths of the way done. Though not finished, I feel confident recommending it to you all.

The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace by M. Scott Peck

What I love about it: 1) gender pronoun equality 2) community as a tangible, realistic goal 3) makes me feel normally about my obsessive desire for community 4) even though it was published in 1987, it is completely relevant to today (maybe that is sad that we have the same problems 20 years later...)

So, that's not a very good summary. Here's what the dustcover says...In his profound and powerful new book, he challenges us to take another journey in self-awareness: to achieve, through the creative experience of community, a new "connectedness" and wholeness which, in turn, can be shared by all the peoples and nations of the world.

Has anyone read it? I would love to discuss! If you haven't, go get it now. Give it to your friends.

Reading Rocks!
-Michelle "Who knew such amazing stuff has been sitting on library shelves for my entire lifetime" McMillan

1 comment:

Buffy said...

Welcome back, Michelle!