Monday, June 16, 2008

sex sex sex

Finally I am done with this wretched book. It's called Real Sex: The Naked Truth About Chastity, by Lauren Winner. I picked it up because she is one of the teachers at a writers' workshop I'm attending next week. But, wow. It's a book about chastity, and how sex outside of marriage is a sin. It's been really frustrating, not to mention dry/boring, reading. But I prevailed, because I wanted to be able to count my pages on this blog. :) I think that the hard thing is that she has some really insightful things to say about sexuality, but they're mixed in with some (in my opinion) really ridiculous statements, like that it's scandalous that college-age men walk around campus with their shirts off, or that she finds it shameful that professors teach wearing jeans. Come ON. Sigh. I would like someone to write about sexuality from a Christian-progessive viewpoint. That would be rad. 161 pages.



Jonathan Erdman said...

I agree; that would be rad.

The Reading Challenge said...

Maybe I will just have to write that book. It would be a tremendous amount of work and research. Maybe, maybe.

Jonathan Erdman said...


I would like to pre-order, please.